Once we have finished the trial, we will keep some of the data so we can check the results. Your personal details will be stored by Queen Mary University of London and the University of Cambridge for up to 5 years after the study closes.
Your research data will be stored with a code instead of your name or contact details. This means no one will be able to work out who you are from the data.
All samples will be returned to the University of Cambridge for storage. Before they are returned, your personal details will be removed and will be replaced with a code. This means no one will be able to work our who you are from the samples.
We will ask for your permission to add the data and samples collected as part of this trial to your Heartburn Health record. This would mean future researchers could also use this information in studies running as part of Heartburn Health. The coded research data will be kept as long as the Heartburn Health Programme exists and protected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
If you give blood and saliva samples, future approved researchers may run DNA testing on the samples. These results may be linked to your Heartburn Health data.
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