Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Appointments can be rearranged by contacting the local clinical team using the contact details in the participant information sheet.
If the capsule sponge results do not show signs of cell changes, it is unlikely there is any dysplasia or cancer cells in the oesophagus.
If the results show signs of cell changes, there may be dysplasia or cancer cells in the oesophagus. If an endoscopy is not already planned as part of the trial, an endoscopy will be booked. This will confirm whether dysplasia or cancer cells are present.
If dysplasia or cancer cells are found, the usual care team at your hospital will offer all recommended care or treatment as needed.
If you have not received results within eight weeks of your test, please contact your local clinical team using the details provided on the participant information sheet.
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